Step 1: Register for EASE and MyEd

MyEd is the University of Edinburgh's Student Portal.

MyED New Users Link

Once you've been accepted onto your ELE course, you'll receive an email from the University Student Systems team, containing your University Username (UUN) and a temporary password.

Follow the link in the email and complete these steps:


1. Click on the link 'New users register with EASE'.

2. Change your temporary password to something memorable - you'll be asked to log in using your EASE Student UUN and new password every time you use University of Edinburgh systems.

3. Log in to MyEd. This is where you will be able to access University of Edinburgh services, including the Office 365 email that you activate in Step 2.

You may see information about tracking your application - this does not apply to ELE students - once you are at this stage of matriculation, you have already been accepted.


Go to Step 2: Activate Your Email Address