Credit-bearing Academic English courses for Visiting or Exchange Students Semester 1 - Academic English for Visiting Students 1 (AEVS 1) Course Information: 20 Credits SCQF Level 7 (Year 1 Undergraduate) Academic English for Visiting Students 1 is designed to support and improve academic English proficiency and study skills enabling students to participate fully in their undergraduate programmes. Course Content: Listening and note-taking Reading and text analysis Discussion skills Academic writing Presentation skills This course will help you to: improve your listening & note-taking skills increase your knowledge of the features of academic writing & reading give you practice in group discussion and presentation skills provide a supportive context to help you participate in your other undergraduate courses at Edinburgh View further course and timetable information here. Semester 2 - Academic English for Visiting Students 2 (AEVS 2) Course Information: 20 Credits SCQF Level 7 (Year 1 Undergraduate) Academic English for Visiting Students 2 is designed to improve participants' ability to plan, undertake and report small-scale academic research in written and spoken form. Course Content: Critical reading and text analysis Discussion skills Presentation skills Work on two Projects (one collaborative and one individual) This will help you to: improve your ability to collaborate with a partner or partners, as well as to work individually, while undertaking and reporting on a small-scale academic research project build on your academic writing & reading skills encourage you to think critically about texts enable you to participate fully in your undergraduate programme at Edinburgh View further course and timetable information here. Enrolment Information Students wishing to enrol on the course MUST contact the Visiting Student Office. Further, to avoid disappointment, students are recommended to do this the Monday or Tuesday before the start of the course as the courses fill up very quickly and places are very limited. Please note you must register for these courses considerably earlier than other courses in the University. Related Links Students interested in taking non-credit English courses instead, please visit Academic Language and Literacies for In-Sessional Study (ALLIS) This article was published on 2023-11-23